
Regarding to the computer facilities, the University offers the latest software and hardware at seven computer labs, and five of the seven labs are located in the Business and Management Building.  The Office of Information Services installs the authorized campus software (e.g. Microsoft software) and professional software (e.g. SAS, R, SPSS,) on the Tamkang SoftCloud to allow all faculties and students access the software resources and services using personal computers (desktop, laptop, tablet). For more detailed information about Tamkang SoftCloud, please browse the website:

To support teaching and research, the Department of Statistics provides the ample equipment: 24 laptops, 3 projectors, 4 opaque projectors, 2 cameras, 1 video recorder and 4 laser pointers. All faculties and students at the Department of Statistics can borrow the equipment from the Department. There are two computer labs at B711 and B1039 for the graduate students in applied statistics and data science, respectively. Common statistical packages such as SAS, SPSS, TEX, GAUSS and MATLAB are available for use.